Corn Plant Tissue Composition at Different Growth Stages

When we perform plant tissue analysis on corn currently, we analyze the nutrient (N,P,K, etc) content of the plant.

Last year we measured the structural and mobile components (protein, fibre and sugar) to learn about variation that occurs in season. Here are some of our findings.

Plant composition changes at different growth stages:

Plant Comp by Growth Stage

As the plant grows the structural component of the plant increases. Protein and mineral content will decrease as the plant matures. Sugars follow the decreasing trend until tasselling where the levels generally climb again.

Variability in Composition Over Time

Corn Variabilty

For the 2015 growing season protein, fibre, sugar and total mineral content is available on our corn plant tissue tests for FREE! If you are interested in plant tissue testing you can contact us here:



Update on Soil Nitrate in Ontario

Here is  some preliminary information on soil nitrates this year and give you a preview of the some information that will be provided in our Staygreen Nitrogen Management Program.

The program will allow you to measure soil and plant nitrogen levels throughout the growing season to spot areas of deficiency or excess. If you wish to participate it’s not too late! Here is a link to more info.

-Over the past two weeks there has been a very slight increase in nitrates in sites
-So far this week we have seen a wide range in nitrates from 3 ppm (12 lbs/acre) on  to 37 ppm (150 lb/acre). With the average of just over 8 ppm (32 lbs/acre).
-Sand and sandy knolls tend to have higher nitrates currently. It will be interesting to see if this will change when we get a good rain.
If you plan on taking any nitrate samples this growing season we would be glad to analyse them for you! In addition to your result you will also receive the average for the past weeks results to allow some insight on where your result is relative to others. Our soil price list is available here: