Agronomy Newsletter Dec 15

Staygreen Program 2016

Whole Plant

Based off of the successes of last year’s Staygreen Nitrogen Management Program we will be running this program again next year, with a few changes.

The noteable addition to the 2016 program is the whole plant nitrogen test, (see above) which will tell us how many lbs of nitrogen you have removed from the soil at different growth stages. This number can be used to estimate nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and provide insight on how much nitrogen you are actually taking up after tasseling.

Are you interested in becoming a Staygreen partner? We are looking for partners (either individuals of companies) in areas that are logistically hard for us to service or with parties that would like to add this program to their field monitoring services. If you are interested email Chris Roelands – [email protected]

The Staygreen program includes, Soil nitrate, plant tissue (all nutrients), and whole plant analysis through the growing season for an in depth look at the nutrient status of your crops. For full details on the Staygreen 2016 program please visit our website:

Join us at the Southwest Ag Conference

If you are attending the Southwest Ag Conference (January 5th and 6th) Dale Cowan (Agris), Paul Sullivan (PT Sullivan Agro) and Chris Roelands (Honeyland Ag Services) will present their learnings on nitrogen management in the session: Nitrogen Testing: New Zip in an Old Game. Join us to learn more about results from past years and recommendations going forward.


Enhanced Nitrogen Recommendation Tool for 2016

We are taking nitrogen management to the next level in 2016 with the development of a model to evaluate the nitrogen status on your farm. Using data and observations from previous years the model will take in as much information as possible to determine the estimated nitrogen surplus or deficit. Parameters built into the model include: soil nitrate (single or multiple depths), soil ammonium, N mineralization potential, growth stage, yield goal, and more!


Feed and Forage Analysis

Did you know we analyse feed and forages? Are you interested in learning more about animal nutrition? Read our animal nutrition newsletter here:


Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!